5 June, 2018

After many years of debate and consultation, Stratford finally has a plan. That plan, named the Future of Broadway was launched in 2016. With the key objectives of the initiative all about updating the look and function of Stratford’s main street. As a business in the Stratford district, Kowalewski Holdings is 100% behind the revitalization of Stratford to become a vibrant community and the #1 place to live in Taranaki.

The recent plan launch by the Stratford District Council identifies a number of actions to help achieve positive change in the town. Some objective they have identified are, increased pedestrian activity on Broadway, connecting Broadway to key places, promotion of Prospero Place as the cultural hub of the community and improve the overall attractiveness of the main entry point and town assets for both residents and visitors. For more information on the detailed report, the full booklet can be found on the Stratford District Council website. As a company founded in Stratford we look forward to the future of this district and look forward to the future in a positive way.
